Curriculum Vitae









CV (short)









Current Position:


Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow; School of Psychology, The University of Queensland, Australia (since 01/2017).


01/2014 - 12/2016


Senior Lecturer (tenured) and ARC Future Fellow (Level C); School of

Psychology, The University of Queensland, Australia.


01/2011 - 12/2013


ARC Post-Doctoral Fellow (Level B); School of Psychology, The
University of Queensland.


01/2009 - 12/2010


Post-doctoral research fellow, School of Psychology, The University of
Queensland, Australia.


12/2007 - 12/2008


Post-doc position with Prof. Roger Remington, School of Psychology,
The University of Queensland, Australia.


09/2005 - 11/2007

PhD in Cognitive Psychology (summa cum laude). Department of
Psychology, University of Bielefeld, Germany. PhD Advisors: Prof. Dr.
Odmar Neumann, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Ansorge, Prof. Gernot Horstmann.


Prizes & Awards

11 / 2014
Foundation Research Excellence Award, The University of Queensland.

11 / 2011

APS (Australian Psychological Society) Early Career Researcher Award.


09 / 2011

University of Queensland Research Excellence Award.

  03 / 2011

Winner of the International Tobii EyeTrackAward for the

best paper in 2010 using eye tracking methods.


06 / 2009

German National Dissertation Prize (DGPs) for the

best dissertation in Experimental Psychology, 2007-2009. [in German]


12 / 2008


Winner of the Dissertation Prize from the Westfaelisch-

Lippische Universitaetsgesellschaft, Germany.

in German]





ARC Discovery Grant (DP210103430), awarded to S.I. Becker. Attention vs. Perception: When is selection optimal, when relational? ($240,193).



HaBS Research Collaboration Seeding Grant, University of Queensland, awarded to A. Malicka, W. Wilson, M. Meinzer, D. Copland & S.I. Becker. Using a multidisciplinary approach including behavioural, electrophysiological and imaging experiments

to investigate the auditory neuroplasticity and its functional benefits in adults with cochlear dead regions ($38,769).



ARC Discovery Grant (DP170102559), awarded to S.I. Becker. Testing a relational account for visual working memory ($210,000).


2014 - 2018

UQ Major Equipment and Infrastructure Grant (MEI), awarded to SI Becker et al. An integrated Neurofeedback/Neuroplasticity Laboratory for psychological, neurological and rehabilitation research


2014 - 2018

ARC Future Fellowship (FT130101282), awarded to Stefanie I. Becker


2012 - 2015

ARC Discovery Grant (DP120103721), awarded to Roger W.

Remington (50% CI), Stefanie I. Becker (50% CI), Charles Folk, and

Steven Yantis ($334,000).

11 / 2011

NHMRC / MEI (Major Infrastructure Grant) for the purchase of an eye

tracker and a TMS neuronavigation system, awarded to Paul E. Dux

and collaborators ($90,000).

2011 - 2014

3-year post-doctoral research fellowship and Discovery Grant

(DP110100588) from the Australian Research Council (ARC), Grant:


2008 - 2011

3-year post-doctoral research fellowship from the University of

Queensland (UQ), Australia; Grant: $214,487 (AU$).

 09 / 2008

2-year post-doctoral research fellowship from the Deutsche

Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Germany; No: BE 4320/1-1;

Grant: 61,080 €.


Early Career Researcher Grant, from the University of Queensland,

Australia. Ref: 2009002474; Grant: $17,500 (AU$).


Reviewer for:










Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.

Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

Biological Psychology.

Brain Research.


Cognition and Emotion.

Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology.


Experimental Brain Research.

Frontiers in Psychology.

International Journal of Psychophysiology.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.

Journal of Ophthalmology.

Journal of Vision.

Memory & Cognition.




Philosophical Psychology.

Psychological Research.

Psychological Science.


Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.

Visual Cognition.

Vision Research.



Editorial Board:







Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance (Associate Editor 2016 - 2017)

Frontiers in Psychology (2015 - present)

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics (2014 - present).

Visual Cognition (2013 - 2015).

Journal of Ophthalmology. Lead Guest Editor, 2013: Special Issue on Eye Movement Control





Association for Psychological Science (APS), 2008 - present.

Australian Psychological Society (APS), 2010 - 2012.

Vision Sciences Society (VSS), 2012 - present.

Psychonomics Society, 2010 - present.